Affiliates are non-employee contributors engaged in Berkeley Lab activities. They are not Berkeley Lab employees. Affiliates are subject to applicable training in safety and other subjects, and must abide by all applicable policies and requirements including but not limited to Intellectual Property, Site Access and Security policies. Affiliates are issued a Berkeley Lab identification badge and may receive access rights to system accounts. They also receive access to certain buildings/facilities (depending on the nature of their position) and a possible per diem allowance for housing and living expenses in accordance with the Non-Employee Payment policy. Examples of Affiliates include participants of User Facilities, scientific collaborators, students, subcontractors and independent consultants, etc.
Affiliate appointments can be initiated by a Host or a Designee (if delegated the authority to provide information on the host’s behalf). Please refer to your Division’s established pre-approval protocols if applicable. To initiate an Affiliate appointment, simply click this link, fill out the Hire Request form, and click Submit. HR Shared Services will review the form and follow up with subsequent actions to initiate the onboarding process.
If security clearance is required for an individual from a sensitive country or a State Sponsor of Terrorism (SST) country, this process will be managed by the Security and Emergency Services Foreign Visits and Assignments Office as an integrated function of the Affiliate process.
Affiliate vs. Employee
There are many rules and laws governing employment practices, such as compensation, tax considerations, and classification. Depending on the nature of the individuals’ visit and the planned contributions, it may be required that they be hired as an employee (e.g. student assistant, limited appointment, etc.) or as an independent consultant to properly account for all employment and tax rules. To assist with determining the appropriate category, please reference the Worker/Affiliate Classification Guide. Your division’s HR contacts can also be of assistance to help with making the appropriate determination.
Affiliate Appointment Duration, Extensions and End Dates
Initial Affiliate appointments are typically established for up to 12 months, but may be extended for up to an additional 12 months if needed. This is to ensure that the nature of the affiliation is reviewed annually to determine if the appointment is still aligned with business needs and still meets established guidelines.
The host of the Affiliate will receive an automatic notification based on the established end date inquiring if the appointment will end as scheduled or if an extension is needed. Is it imperative that the host respond to the notification in a timely manner to ensure adequate processing time for the action (e.g. visa processing, end date planning, etc), and to prevent subsequent notifications due to no response.
If the affiliate is ending their appointment, the host is responsible for collecting the affiliate’s LBNL badge, parking permit, laptop, keys and any other Berkeley lab property prior to their departure. Badges can be sent via interoffice or mailed to LBNL – One Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA 94720 – Attn: Site Access – MS 65A0101.
Short Term Visitors
Short term visitors do not need to be processed as Affiliates. For visitors (e.g. a person who does not need a badge, an interviewee, a conference or an event attendee, a site visit participant, etc. who are typically here for one week or less and are not engaged in Laboratory work), please submit a Visitor Pass Request.
Affiliate Payments
As indicated above, some Affiliates may qualify to receive a Fellowship payment to cover eligible expenses in accordance with the Non-Employee Payments policy. Affiliates are not Berkeley Lab employees and therefore non-employee payments may not be offered in lieu of salary or payment of services. If the hosting division elects to offer a Non-Employee Payment, a Worker/Affiliate Classification review must be completed. Once the Affiliate appointment is processed, the host (and designee if applicable) is notified to complete the eRFIC for the Non-Employee Payments.
Affiliate Minors
Under specific circumstances, Berkeley Lab allows individuals under the age of 18 to become Affiliates. Per Berkeley Lab policy the minor must be at least 14 years old and must be enrolled in an accredited high school as a junior or senior in good standing.
All Affiliate appointments for minors must have parental consent (CDE Form B1-6) and approval of the applicable Division Director and the Chief Human Resources Officer. Additionally, it is a state law and University of California compliance requirement that the host for the Affiliate minor serve as a “mandated reporter” and execute the CANRA (Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act) acknowledgement form.
Retiree Affiliates