Effective communication and ongoing performance feedback are critical to your success as an employee and to the success of Berkeley Lab. The Lab is committed to a performance management system that fosters and rewards excellent performance. The employee, the supervisor, and Senior Management are critical members of a partnership that ensures performance planning, review, coaching, and development.
- Employees at all levels are responsible for actively communicating with their supervisors about their performance.
- Supervisors are responsible for developing performance expectations with the participation of employees.
- Berkeley Lab is responsible for providing an effective and fair performance management system.
Performance Management Cycle
The performance management review process is an ongoing dialogue between employees and supervisors and consists of three phases:
- Planning: employees and managers set expected outcomes and objectives that are aligned with the department’s objectives and priorities; set development goals and discuss resources.
- Checking-In: throughout the year employees and managers review and refine objectives; managers provide feedback on areas of success as well as on those requiring improvement.
- Assessment: the performance assessment summarizes the employee’s contributions over the entire appraisal period. Employees and managers discuss next year’s cycle (outcomes, objectives, development opportunities).
Performance Management Forms & Resources