Here are some of the resources we have curated for all employees:
Linkedin Learning provides over 6,000 high quality video-based courses, delivered in 3-5 minute sections on a wide variety of topics ranging from project management, to emotional intelligence, to learning the Python programming language. Berkeley Lab has an enterprise account that offers unlimited access to Linkedin Learning for free to all Berkeley Lab Employees.
To access LinkedIn Learning simply click on this link: LinkedIn Learning and log in with your LDAP credentials. You can choose to connect your to account to an existing Linkedin account or not. Connecting it with your existing account will allow the system to make course suggestions based on your job title and work history.
Here are a few titles that might be of interest to all employees:
- Project Management Professional (PMP): Certification Prep
- Developing your Emotional Intelligence
- Having Difficult Conversations
- Data Science Tools for the Trade
- Transitioning From Technical Professional to Manager
Berkeley Lab is committed to developing employees to their fullest potential. That commitment includes supporting you to secure a college or university education. Through the Tuition Assistance Program, if you are a career employee, you can receive tuition reimbursement (or advancement) for courses at an accredited college or university that will help increase effectiveness in your current position and for career development. You can leverage this program to secure a bachelors, masters, or doctorate degree, or an equivalent level certificate. Click here for more information on the TAP program.
PostDoc Resources:
Berkeley Lab understands the postdoctoral experience in a research environment is unique. We are committed to the growth and development of early career researchers in pursuit of becoming next-generation scientists and engineers.
For a wealth of resources and development opportunities for Postdocs, please visit the PostDoc Resources website.
UC Learning Center is the web-based learning management system (LMS) used across the University of California, for training and development. With the UC Learning Center, Berkeley Lab users can register for in-person activities offered at the lab, as well as access to UCs online courses.
To access the UC Learning Center simply click on this link: UC Learning Center and log in with your LDAP credentials.
Here are a few UC Leaarning Center titles that might be of interest to new employees:
- Steve Robbins -Inclusion Insights Videos
- UC People Management Series Certificate
- UC Implicit Bias Certificate Series
- The Power of Empathy – RSA Shorts
Mandatory Trainings:
Depending on your position here at the lab, you may be required to complete certain trainings. For lab-specific training, check your requirements in the Berkeley Lab Training system, click on “Training Profiles” > “My Profile”. For other UC mandated trainings check your email to learn about your requirements.