As part of the HR Optimization effort, the following groups are participating in the HR Solutions Center pilot:
Operations Area and respective divisions and departments: EH&S, Facilities, ICAO, IT, HR, OCFO, PIM, PMO, SES, and Sustainable Berkeley Lab
Energy Sciences Area and respective divisions: ALS, Chemical Sciences, Materials Sciences and Molecular Foundry
Laboratory Directorate and respective offices and departments: Career Pathways, Development Office, IDEA, GCR, Internal Audit, IPO, Lab Counsel, L&C, Office of National & Homeland Security, Strategic Communications, SPO, and WD&E
The following services are now being handled by the HR Solutions Center team. Please email them at, unless otherwise noted:
New Hires
- Initiate a new hire
- Level a position description
- Probationary review guidance and support
- Obtaining an employee badge
- Vehicle Registration in Self Service (for those eligible for parking)
General HR Support
- General HR inquiries
- Benefits –
- SPOT Awards
Other Employee Related Resources (not handled by HR Solutions Center):
- Leave of Absence support (non-medical and medical) –
- Paycheck issues –
- International Telework Request
- IRSO and Employment Visa questions –
- Annual Performance Appraisal Process –
- General Recruitment Inquiries –
- LETS – Time & Attendance
Appointment Support
- Affiliates –
- GSRA –
- Student Assistants
- Postdoctoral Scholars
- Faculty
- Rehired Retirees
- Contract Workers
- Appointment extensions
- Appointment terminations – voluntary and expiration upon end date
- Job reclassification